简介:“I’m gonna change the whole way you think about ramen.” 輕輕撥起日式暖簾,趟開木門,濃郁的豬骨香撲鼻而至,低頭的食客發出「雪雪雪」的聲音,仰頭的食客把喝光湯底的大碗放下,與木桌輕碰一聲。 「拉麵之神」山岸一雄說過他「一輩子只做一件事」,拉麵作為「國民美食」,日本人固然捧在手心有著不一樣的堅持。每碗拉麵,由湯底到麵條,每個工序必須一絲不苟,才能鎖住日本國民靈敏的舌頭。鏡頭緊隨蟬聯四年日本拉麵大賽冠軍的拉麵師傅富田治、飯田將太、大西祐貴等5位拉麵職人十五個月,逐步向你展示被譽為「國民美食」的拉麵背後不同的理念及熬製過程,再由拉麵的歷史淵源談到近年拉麵的變調,教你細嚐放入口中的每箸麵線、每啖湯底、每塊入口即融的叉燒,做一個稱職的拉麵狂迷。
简介:每天清晨,佘偉豪和黃俊修都會走到大角咀的鮮魚行學校上課。 兩人的基層家庭生活寫照,以及這種「互相照顧」的經歷,在這裡比比皆是。內地出生的董汝峰、譚志澤,甚至班上最受男生歡迎的黃嘉琪都有著同樣故事:家人為孩子們前途著想,毅然來到香港,屈膝於狹窄的房間裡生活;但對孩子們而言,一下子面對成長環境的改變,重新追溯另一個地方的認同和價值,是一種值得的「投資」嗎?一次上電視的經歷,卻改變了佘偉豪的故事。 到底「家庭」對這群小孩子來說,是怎麼一回事?究竟社會的「成就」指標,與家長望子成龍的渴望,在他們而言,又是什麼?假如探聽孩子們對家長,對成年人,甚至對社會存有什麼「期望」,答案在成年人眼中是否不值一提? 即使生活在不安定的環境中,孩子依然會努力嘗試展現其生命力,這是成年人不欲或無暇去理解的,亦是「子非魚,焉知魚之樂」的本義。 J and Jacky have b...
简介:Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about...
简介:David Suzuki holds twenty-four honorary degrees from academic institutions around the world and has written forty-eight books. A household name synonymous with nature and science, he was voted one of the top ten greatest Canadians of all time in 2004, ranking ahead of Wayne Gretzky and Sir John A. Macdonald. He is best known as the host of the long-running CBC TV show The Natur...
简介:Has internet anonymity unleashed a 'dark demon' lurking in all of us? A film that reveals the hard truths surrounding anonymity, dark instincts and freedom on the internet. Smartphones have put the internet into our pockets and billions of people around the world are now connected online
简介:日本菜的精华是什么?海胆?鱼生?时令蔬菜?优美景致?本片就将为大家揭示日本菜的精髓,大家一起来看英国大厨做出的日式饕餮盛宴! Rick Stein 是英国老资格的电视名厨,以做海鲜菜为名,在Cornwell开了好几家饭店、Fish & Chip 店等,还曾经为BBC做过好几个各地烹饪饮食习惯的系列。Rick Stein 访问了东南亚和东亚(包括中国)等地,研究当地的饮食习惯和烹饪手法。 When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery ...
主演:马修·斯维特 马特·史密斯 Mark Ravenhill Ken Livingstone 保罗·哈特诺 凯特琳·莫兰 理查德·马丁
导演:Jude Ho
简介:Why has a kids TV show about an eccentric man with a box that can travel anywhere in time and space become the BBC's longest running TV drama - and one of Britain's biggest brands? On its 50th anniversary, lifelong fan Matthew Sweet argues you ignore Doctor Who at your peril. It may be a piece of children's television, but he believes it's one of the most important cultural art...
主演:Frank Bough John Chittenden Bruno Du Bois Pat Edwards Tracy Edwards Bob Fisher Howard Gibbons Jo Gooding Nancy Harris Angela Heath Marie-Claude Heys Sally Hunter Jeni Mundy Skip Novak Barry Rickthall
简介:Gene editing is transforming medical research and could deliver new treatments and cures for diseases. It also gives scientists control over evolution, allowing genetic changes to be forced through species. 基因编辑正在改变医学研究,并可能提供新的治疗和治疗疾病。它还赋予科学家对进化的控制权,允许通过物种强制进行基因改变。
主演:伊夫·圣罗兰 皮埃尔·伯格 Olivier Saillard Laurence Bena?m Elie Top
导演:Lo?c Prigent
简介:The sketches and drawings of iconic designer Yves Saint Laurent come to life in this documentary. Past colleagues and friends discuss his life and work while poring over some of the thousands of sketches the designer created in his lifetime.